My friend Les mentioned a book in an email this morning, Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud (2000) by Robert Park. I immediately asked for a free sample for my Kindle and got to reading.
It's terrific. Park, who is the former head of the Physics Department at the University of Maryland, runs the Washington office of the American Physical Society. His job, in part, is to see to it that congress doesn't pass any legislation repealing the laws of thermodynamics, something they attempted to do in April of 1989. (They were unsuccessful.)
His wit is delightful. He sums up the first of those laws of thermodynamics thus: you never get something for nothing. In other words, you can't win. The second law: you can't even break even.
The book is about 18 years old now, but as you know, the laws of science tend not to change and the capacity of people to believe the impossible tends to grow, and thus the book remains relevant.
Thanks, Les.