Tony Morrison has two new books out, one of them a novel that I haven't gotten my hands on yet. The other is What Moves at the Margin. These are speeches, papers, book reviews, and such, some reaching back to the 70s. There's a fine introduction by Carolyn C Denard.
One of the pieces that I particularly liked was "Speaking of Reynolds Price," an interview conducted in 1992, in which Morrison makes the surprising statement that "I have never been with Reynolds when I didn't remember it." She goes on to talk about why Price is so memorable for her. Having met the man I can say his charm alone makes him memorable.
This collection isn't for everyone but there are many pieces that would appeal to the serious reader of modern American fiction. The book reviews are particularly enlightening.
A review from Rain Taxi can be found here.
Toni Morrison, What Moves at the Margin: Selected Nonfiction (2008) 215 pages. 4 / 5 stars