I'm extremely happy with my new Kindle, which is living up to expectations and which - heresy I know - I find easier to read from than the printed page. It's on the whole idiot-proof, though I've had a couple of problems (problems that I would not have had if I had read the User's Guide, which is included right there on the list of books when the gadget arrives.) I read an icon incorrectly and I thought I had a problem with the light that goes on when you are charging the Kindle. It kept going off. Turns out the Kindle was fully charged and that's why it went off. (Have I mentioned that I'm technologically challenged?)
Laurel from my Trollope group encouraged me to buy it and held my hand for the month and a half I had to wait for it to arrive. She also told me about a Yahoo group of Kindle owners and wannabees called kindlecorner that has been very useful. From that group I found Jan's blog, Kindle Reader, which is a must for the new Kindle owner.
Jan alerts us to newly kindled books, magazines, and blogs; she tells us about equipment we might find useful to enhance our Kindle like a leather cover, a light to attach for night reading, an SD card to add more memory. She lists sites where we can find Kindle-formatted books, many of them free. And she reviews books that we can buy for our Kindle - lots of books.
Highly recommended for the new Kindler or for anyone who wants to see pithy reviews of lots of diverse sorts of books.