A list of “Best Books” Orwell sent to his friend, Brenda Salkeld, in the 1930s:
Barham, R The Ingoldsby legends
Boothby, G Nikola
Bronte, C Jane Eyre
Bronte, E Wuthering heights
Butler, S The notebooks
Chaucer, G “Bits of the Canterbury tales, esp. ‘Wife of Bath’s Prologue’”
Conrad, Joseph The secret agent
Darwin, Charles Voyage of the Beagle
Dickens, Charles David Copperfield
Doyle, Conan Sherlock Holmes
Fielding, Henry Amelia
Forster, E M Passage to India
France, Anatole L’anneau d’amethyste
Freeman, R A The eye of Osiris and various other detective stories
Garnett, (Dr.) The twilight of the Gods
Hardy, Thomas The Dynasts
Huxley, A Antic hay
Jeffries, R The amateur poacher
Joyce, James Ulysses
Lawrence, D H England, my England
Maugham, W S Ashenden
Melville, H Typee or Moby Dick
Merimee, P Carmen
Petronius, A The Satyricon (translation)
Poe, E A Tales of mystery and imagination
Prevost, A Manon Lescaut
Reade, C Foul play or A Jack of All Trades
Reade, C Hard cash
Shakespeare, W King Lear
Smollett, T Peregrine Pickle
Stendhal, La Chartreuse de Parme
Surtees, R S Handley Cross
Swift, J Gulliver’s travels
Thackeray, W M Vanity fair
Tolstoy, L War and peace
Trollope, A Barchester Towers
Twain, Mark Roughing it
Voltaire, F Candide
Zola, E La Debacle
The list is dated now. Who still reads Charles Reade or Richard Barham and considers them first-rate? But on the whole he did pretty well.