Honesty is one of the five keys to being a good book reviewer, according to Mayra Calvani and Anne K Edwards in their new book, The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing, but accepting a book from a publisher and not reviewing it is stealing. Which is why I don't normally take advantage of offers of free books to review on my blog.
That's why I didn't accept the offer of a free electronic version of this book when the author wrote to offer me one. I bought it. And I'm therefore free to say whatever I like about the book or to say nothing at all.
So my honest evaluation of this book? It's the best book I ever read. No, wait! That kind of overstatement, along with giving away the ending or being rude and tactless are blinking neon lights saying, "Amateur." Of course I am an amateur, but those are still not a great way to interest one's readers in a book.
If you review books, or even if you just talk loosely about books as I do in my blog, the information packed into these 180 pages is invaluable. There are the five keys to being a good reviewer. There's the analysis of what exactly a book review is, which includes being a way for an author to get feedback on his work, providing you have been honest and employed one of the five keys, tact.
How to read critically, looking for pacing and point of view as well as the usual plot and characterization. The three basic parts of a book review. The absolute don'ts. Practical tips to remember: keep your writing style concise, avoid cliches like the plague, and never, ever, review a book by a friend or family member.
And this brings us only to the end of Part 1 (of three parts.)
What's wrong with the book? It could have used more editing. But I was an editor for several years so take that criticism from whence it comes. Its organization isn't perfect. It doesn't have an index. I hate the cover.
Things I liked about it: among many other things, sample book reviews broken down and analyzed, and the many on-line resources listed in Part 3.
I've mentioned only a few of the many checklists the authors offer. There's a lot of information in this little book. In fact, it's the best book on writing a book review that I've ever read!
The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing by Mayra Calvani and Anne K Edwards, Twilight Times Books, 2008. ISBN: 978-1-933353-22-7, trade paper, 180 pages, $16.95. 5 / 5 stars. (Did I mention the authors' suggestions on how to use the star rating system?)