I just picked up this meme from Cornflower, who got it from Eat Drink Live. It's fun.
Name four jobs you've held.
- Newspaper reporter on the Passaic Herald News. My favorite of all the jobs I've had.
- Bookseller. I was a bookseller at Borders back in the days when Oprah first created her book club. You wouldn't believe the number of new readers that book club brought into the store. I also worked part time for years at the Gilpin House Book Store, where I met Wilhelm.
- Librarian. At TRW's Washington, DC, facility.
- Computer programmer. No education, no training, no experience. TRW was wonderful about letting you try whatever you wanted to do. I segued into an editing job after a couple of years, but I did write some successful code and I was the project configuration manager for a while before I went.
Name four places you've lived.
- Acushnet, Massachusetts. Just outside of New Bedford. The whale ship Acushnet is the one Melville sailed on, out of New Bedford, of course.
- Paris. Mais oui.
- Hephzibah, Georgia. Downwind from a paper plant and across the road from a drag racing track. Not the most felicitous place I've lived.
- Durham, North Carolina. No, wait, Nutley, New Jersey. Alexandria, Virginia. Fort Benning, Georgia. Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Spokane, Washington!
Four places I've been on vacation.
- The San Juan Islands.
- Bermuda.
- Hawaii
- Cape Cod. You'll notice there's a strong salt water theme here.
Four favorite foods.
- Ice cream
- Whipped cream
- Portugese sweet bread
- Cod (also scallops, fried clams, lobster, crab, hallibut, etc. See above re salt water theme.)