Robin over at A Fondness for Reading has tagged me for the very short Page 161 Meme. The rule is to pick up the book nearest you, turn to page 161, and find the fifth full sentence. Then post it.
The sentence: "Season generously with salt and pepper."
The book is The Big Book of Easy Suppers by Maryana Vollstedt. The salt and pepper go on Snapper Fillets in Tomato Sauce, which is the recipe featured on page 161.
That wasn't much fun, so let's try another one:
"For best results tend the plants in a scree of basic rubble or shoehorn them in between rocks and secure with moss on a vertical wall."
This book is The Encyclopedia of Garden Ferns by Sue Olsen and the sentence is from a discussion of propagation of Ceterach from spores.
That was even less fun that the salt and pepper.
The next closest book is Reading Life: Books for the Ages by Sven Birkerts. Unfortunately, it has only 3 1/2 sentences on page 161's discussion of To the Lighthouse.
There's one more book within reach without my having to get up. The fifth sentence on page 161 is this:
"It was from her that he inherited his detachment from the sumptuary side of life: the stoic's carelessness of material things, combined with the Epicurean's pleasure in them."
So finally we come to something significant. This is from The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton and it's from the section where she introduces Selden. Although the character has major weaknesses we are meant to admire much about him, and this eshewing of excess while enjoying beauty does much to define him. It's key to understanding the book.
Thanks again for tagging me, Robin.